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Collective Worship at St Peter's

At St Peter's Eaton Square C of E Primary School, we cherish our rich Christian heritage and the integral role it plays in shaping our educational vision. As a Church of England School, our commitment to education is deeply Christian, with a vision aimed at the common good of our entire community.

Our approach to collective worship is invitational, inclusive, and inspiring, fostering a welcoming and meaningful experience for all pupils.


St. Peter's emphasises that collective worship is inclusive, and everyone is welcome to participate as much or as little as they are comfortable with. This approach respects individual choices, ensuring that children are not compelled or expected to pray but are invited to do so if they wish. It recognises and respects the diversity of home experiences and encourages reflection in ways that are meaningful to each individual.


The school strives to make collective worship inclusive by selecting topics and ideas that are shared across different faiths and world views. When presenting Christian teachings, we make it clear that these are beliefs held by Christians, promoting an understanding of various perspectives. Teachers also ensure that activities are accessible, catering to pupils and from diverse backgrounds and needs.


St. Peter's aims to make collective worship inspiring for those who participate. We seek to engage emotions, fostering feelings of peace, comfort, hope, or motivation. The worship activities are designed to encourage action, critical thinking, and reflection on one's faith or beliefs, as well as an appreciation of the beliefs of others.

Daily Worship and Weekly Eucharist Mass

We value the importance of daily worship as a cornerstone of our school life. Led by our dedicated priest, Fr Jonathan, our weekly Eucharist Mass provides a sacred space for reflection and spiritual growth. During Mass, children from Year 6 serve as servers, contributing to the solemnity and reverence of the occasion. Additionally, students from across the school share prayers that they have composed with Fr Jonathan's guidance, fostering a sense of ownership and participation in our worship.

Children's Participation

We believe in empowering our students to actively participate in our worship services. Children from Year 6 play a vital role as servers during Mass, assisting Fr Jonathan and contributing to the reverence of the occasion. Additionally, students from all year groups have the opportunity to share prayers that they have personally composed, guided by Fr Jonathan's wisdom and support. This involvement fosters a sense of ownership and belonging, nurturing the spiritual growth of our students.

Annual Church Celebrations

Throughout the school year, we partake in a variety of church celebrations that form an integral part of our school's rich tradition. These include termly Eucharist services, the Harvest service, Remembrance service, Christmas service, Easter service, St Peter's Day, and a Year 6 Leavers' service. These celebrations not only deepen our connection to our Christian faith but also provide meaningful opportunities for our community to come together in fellowship and praise.

Join Us in Worship

We extend a warm invitation to parents, carers, and members of our wider community to join us in worship during our weekly Eucharist Mass. Your presence enriches our worship experience and reinforces our sense of community and shared faith. Together, let us journey in faith, love, and fellowship at St Peter's Eaton Square C of E Primary School.