Our School
We are a very happy two form entry Church of England primary school situated in the historic heart of London, close to Victoria Station. We have a strong staff team, committed governors and supportive parents.
Situated in the heart of London, with an ever-transformative demographic of children and staff, we work to ensure that our curriculum is representative of all. With this, we hope that our pupils have an inherent sense of identity and belonging in the knowledge that their contributions are celebrated in school and the wider society we live in.
As a Church of England school our purpose is to provide a broad curriculum which strives to achieve excellence within a Christian context. Through Religious Education and a daily act of worship, we also aim to develop an understanding and knowledge of Christianity whilst being aware of and respecting other faiths.
Our provision for the children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the core of all that we do and is promoted through the teachings of the Gospel values and the delivery of the Fundamental British Values.
We have strong links to St Peter’s Church and a spirituality which embraces difference and respect for other faith traditions, we seek to enable all children to learn and to flourish in our fascinating city, discovering the skills they need for today and for a changing future.
An outstanding SIAMS inspection in 2018 stated, “The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St Peter’s as a Church of England school is outstanding.”
The Ofsted subject inspection in October 2019 stated, “The Latin curriculum is ambitious and exceeds the requirements of the national curriculum for languages at key stage 2.”
Reception (EYFS)
There are 30 Reception places. The school offers Q & A presentations October-January and weekly tours of the school for prospective parents before they make an application for Reception.